The Cadets 2011 Brilliant Opening selection.

In the year 2011, The Cadets would win their last founders trophy.

Their show was titled “Angels and Demons” and it would go on to win the 2011 DCI world championships.

Showcasing some of the hardest drill to date, the corps itself had it mastered by finals night, showcasing the skill and prowess the Cadets held for more than a decade.

The Show also showcased repertoire not yet seen in the DCI world. All of the music fit incredibly well within the shows themes and concepts, while also holding a great deal of difficulty for the performers.

While all of the music played into the overall themes of this show, the Cadets choice for the opening piece was probably the most fitting of all.

The show begins with Frank Ticheli’s “Angels in the Architecture”. The Piece explores the two extremes of the Human existence – Divine and Evil.

This is the show’s main concept. The corps itself is split in two, one half wearing white and the other wearing red.

The opener begins with a monologue, sung by the guard soloist who represents the Angels. While the fast paced, contrast rhythms of the percussion represent the Demons.

The voiceover continues until the two sides collide to play the opening hit. An impact that makes me smile every time a hear it.

This show still holds up to this day, and I believe that if you put this show into a more modern year, it would easily reach the top 3 and have a great chance of winning.

The show’s overall difficulty puts it far above any other shows, and is something the DCI world hasn’t seen for quite awhile.